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Milk Tart Ice Cream

Milk Tart Ice Cream

Milk Tart Ice Cream

Who doesn't love milk tart and ice cream. Now combine the two.


  • 1 tin condensed milk
  • 1 tin evaporated milk
  • 500ml milk
  • 5ml ground cinnamon
  • ground cinnamon to garnish


  1. Mix the condensed milk, evaporated milk, milk and cinnamon well. The cinnamon will not dissolve
  2. Pour the mixture into a shallow dish and freeze for 1-2 hours or until ice crystals start forming in the mixture. Use a fork to mix through, then freeze for another hour. Mix through once again and freeze until solid.
  3. Remove from freezer about 30 minutes before serving. Serve in bowls and dust with the extra ground cinnamon.


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