Milk Tart (melktert)
Milk Tart (melktert) (Makes 2) Crust Ingredients for crust 2 cups flour 1 egg 2 t BP ½ cup butter (125ml) ½ cup sugar (125ml) pinch salt Method Cream butter and sugar well, add beaten egg. Sift in flour, BP...
Milk Tart (melktert) (Makes 2) Crust Ingredients for crust 2 cups flour 1 egg 2 t BP ½ cup butter (125ml) ½ cup sugar (125ml) pinch salt Method Cream butter and sugar well, add beaten egg. Sift in flour, BP...
Ingredients x1 packet Marie Biscuits / Tennis biscuits / Digestive biscuits x1 Moirs Lemon Jelly x2 Tins Goldcrest Granadilla Pulp 125g Butter, melted x1 tin Condensed Milk Method Crush the biscuits and mix with the butter. Press this into an...