Four Cousins Natural Sweet White Wine 750ml
Four Cousins Natural Sweet White Wine 750ml
is a fragrant, sunshine coloured wine with gentle honeysuckle perfume. Flavours of luscious apricots, nougat and rich tropical fruit salad is followed by a soft, lingering finish. A wine for everyday enjoyment. The perfect sun downer in summer. Enjoy as an aperitif, spicy oriental food, fruit and desserts. Four Cousins Natural Sweet White Wine 750ml is made of 60% White Muscadel and 40% Grape Juice and is a light 8.5% ABV Food Suggestions A wine for everyday enjoyment. The perfect sundowner in summer. Enjoy as an aperitif, spicy oriental food, fruit and desserts Awards and Accolades 16/20 WINE Magazine 2010 Best Value Guide South Africa’s best selling bottled brand Please drink responsibly - Drink Aware