Banhoek Chilli Oil Garlic 250ml
Banhoek Chilli Oil Garlic 250ml
Only the finest, 100% natural ingredients go into Banhoek Chilli Oil. It’s handmade in small batches and uniquely cooked using induction heating to ensure consistent heat levels that other methods simply can’t beat.
The Original infused with a generous amount of pure dried garlic.
It is Halaal and Kosher certified, FSSC 22000 certified and vegan friendly.
Locally grown chillies.
Sun-dried, hand-crushed and infused into neutral tasting canola oil.
Great source of vitamins A, B, C and E.
Cholesterol free.
Low in saturated fats.
High in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Great source of vitamins E and K.